Informations pour la collecte de données personnelles sur la protection des données personnelles conformément à l'article 13 du règlement (UE) 2016/679

Dear data subject,

following your request, we are providing you with the information regarding the data you have released. The aforementioned data will be processed to fulfill your explicit request to be contacted by the company. Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Brianzatende S.r.l., based in Lesmo (MB) in Via Maggi 41, Tax Code and VAT 00909760969 Tel. 039 6064212, e-mail, PEC, as Data Controller, informs users of the processing of personal data resulting from the collection of personal data at the fair in order to be contacted by the company.

Data controller and data protection officer
Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Data Controller is Brianzatende S.r.l. with registered office in Lesmo (MB), Via Maggi 41, Tax Code and VAT No. 00909760969 Tel. 039 6064212, e-mail, PEC The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at the following e-mail address

Data subjects
Fair users interested in being contacted by Brianzatende S.r.l. following explicit request.

Type of data
The data processed are:
(a) personal data (first name, last name, company, profession);
(b) contact data (e-mail, telephone, address);
(c) data regarding interest in a certain type of product.

Purpose of  processing
The purpose of the processing is to contact the interested parties again following an explicit request since they are interested in certain products. Failure to provide the data will make it impossible for the company to fulfill the interested party’s request, that is, to be contacted by Brianzatende S.r.l.

Legal basis for processing
The legal basis legitimizing this processing can be found in Article 6(1)(b) GDPR: the processing is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject.

Mode of treatment
Data processing is carried out by means of computer procedures or telematic means and paper media by internal subjects, specially appointed for this purpose, authorized and committed to confidentiality. Data are processed and stored with appropriate instruments to ensure their security, integrity and confidentiality through the adoption of appropriate measures as required by law.

Data retention
Data will be kept in a form that allows identification of the data subject for 6 months after data collection. 

Communication, diffusion, transfer
The data collected will not be disseminated, sold or exchanged with third parties without the express consent of the data subject, except for possible communications to authorized third parties – committed to confidentiality or in the case appointed as data controllers under Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The complete and updated list of data processors can be found, upon request, through the modalities indicated in this information notice. The data may be communicated to the competent authorities, according to the terms of the law.
There is no transfer of data outside the European Union. 

Rights of data subjects
At any time, data subjects have the right to access their personal data, to request its rectification, updating and its deletion. It is also possible to object to the processing and request its limitation. 

These requests may be addressed to:

– a registered letter with return receipt to Brianzatende, Via Maggi 41, 20855 Lesmo (MB);
– an e-mail to the PEC address;
– an e-mail to the DPO at

In addition, if it is believed that the processing has been carried out in violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data, it is recognized the right to complain to the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, Piazza Venezia, 11 – 00187 – Rome.